26 June 2024

Can We Help You With Your Sports Injury?

A couple of common questions we get from clients with a Sports Injury are:

  1. Are you equipped at our clinic to treat your kind of injury?
  2. How can I trust that you have the expertise to know how to fix your injury, because you are desperate to get back to your sport as it is a very important part of your lifestyle?

To answer this, let's take you through our S.P.O.R.T. acronym.


is about being a sports specialist. So yes, our team are specialists and it's also about specific injuries. If you turn up with tennis  elbow, golfers elbow, throwers shoulder, a bad back due to too much golf, jumpers knee, calf issues like Achilles Tendonitis from running, golf or cricket, our specialists will know what the injury is and exactly how long and what type of exercises and rehab you need to do, before you can go back to your sport and be good at it again.

We are spoiled with our physios and sports therapists.  One has an Olympic Medal for running, one has played at very high-level football at major clubs and still plays football. Another is a chairman of a local cricket club and loves to play golf and cricket. We also have long term boxer, now retired, and another competing in weightlifting.

Thus, if you come to us with a sports injury, they will get it; they will align with your mindset because they know what it's like to get hurt.

Also, if you are a veteran and you want to keep fit, they will understand that as well because some of us are getting on a bit as well, and we have to modify our sports accordingly.  I love kayaking, mountain biking and swimming. All low impact, and I do it for fun, to keep fit and get rid of stress after long days.

If you want to enjoy that kind of activity, of course we can help you with that too.


Please fill out your details below and one of the team will be in touch



We are very much into prevention as well, to make sure you don't get the same injury again. We have the latest technology where we can look at why you got the injury in the first place.  The injury may have happened because of the way you are moving incorrectly. We can teach you how to keep really fit and in a way that prevents your type of injury. Certain sports, for example golf, puts a huge demand on your back, so you need to be able to fitness and strengthening exercises to both sides of the back to prevent injury.


is for optimising rehab. It is about how we get you as fit as we can so that you can cope with the rehab programme.

We ask you questions about your lifestyle stresses now, if you are eating healthily and have you been keeping up with your fitness training correctly. We make sure you really have the right mindset at the moment, or if there is something stressful going on. Are you battling to do your training with your work commitments. From this we get a better picture on how to coach you to get through what you need to do to get fit.


is about recovery and conditioning. We will be there every step of the way and will intervene as needed if it's not going right. In our run lab we can take you to the screen and together examine how you are moving.  We can test your muscle strength and check that your injury is healing at this level of rehab.

Before you couldn't do this many laps around the park, or jumps or skips, but now a tailor-made holistic recovery plan ensures you can without breaking. We have the knowledge to help you recover in the safest way.


is for out treatment techniques and technology. Rest assured we've got the latest technology to help you, the latest software in our run lab to look at the way you are running and moving. The latest shockwave technology that we can use to blast through tissue to speed up the healing process for a sports injury.

If you have a sports injury, we can help.

S is about being a sports specialist. So yes, our team are specialists and it's also about specific injuries. If you turn up with tennis  elbow, golfers elbow, throwers shoulder, a bad back due to too much golf, jumpers knee, calf issues like Achilles Tendonitis from running, golf or cricket, our specialists will know what the injury is and exactly how long and what type of exercises and rehab you need to do, before you can go back to your sport and be good at it again.

We are spoiled with our physios and sports therapists.  One has an Olympic Medal for running, one has played at very high-level football at major clubs and still plays football. Another is a chairman of a local cricket club and loves to play golf and cricket. We also have long term boxer, now retired, and another competing in weightlifting.

Thus, if you come to us with a sports injury, they will get it; they will align with your mindset because they know what it's like to get hurt.

If you are in pain, we can help

Tap to call

or call 01889 881488

Jean, Erica & Charlotte will be happy to help


Simon Griffith provides expert Health SEO across the UK. Working in SEO since 2007, he has made millions for customers online. His SEO Journey started through necessity with the launch of KUDOS® Sports. Later working in Dental SEO, Healtcare SEO, Physio SEO and more recently in Gym SEO. Find our how he can help your business with great value SEO consultancy. 

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